Truck Tests

Today I began testing with the truck with assistance from Amy Stringer. I decided it was not possible to shoot from the back of the truck as it's unstable and illegal to sit with the camera. I therefore removed the sunroof from the truck and set the tripod up in the cab.

I setup the tripod and set up the camera so it was above the roof line of the truck. I made sure the truck wasn't in the vertical field of view and decided not to shift the lens to begin with. With regard to settings I decided to begin with around 1/200 and allow the camera to choose its own aperture to allow for variance in lighting conditions, shutter speed is the key as the vehicle will be moving.

Once I got going Amy began shooting along Tower Bridge Road, we aimed to head for Old Kent Road for a real test as the road is wider, it then poured with rain! With the roof down we got pretty soaked and pulled in under a tree to wait it out. I checked the camera and decided I needed a faster shutter speed and we set off again. I drove down the middle lane heading east down OKR and Amy began shooting with the remote. It then poured with rain again! We called it a day and drove back to begin editing.